Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

English Language and Indonesia Language

In English Language is “BELIEVE”
In Indonesia Language is “PERCAYA”
“BELIEVE” is the word which can be told to another people,to another human,to our friends,to our parents,to our partner
“BELIEVE” is not totally giving our live to another people,is only for making good relationship,making solid teamwork,making good group discussion

In English Language is “TRUST”
In Indonesia Language is “PERCAYA”
“TRUST” is totally giving our live,our mind,our spritual life to our God

In English Language “GIVE UP”
In Indonesia Language “BERPASRAH”
“GIVE UP” the bad word.”GIVE UP” is told by bad human who doing nothing,didn’t see solution but saw the problem.Bad Human didn’t strong to facing the problem

In English Language “SURRENDER”
In Indonesia Language “BERSERAH”
“SURRENDER” is the good word.”SURRENDER” is told by son and daughter of God in the earth.Son and Daughter of God do the best for God,suddenly when in the half way have a trouble and cannot see the way because fog or have a big wall in front of Son and Daughter of God,keep calm,close Son and daughter of God eyes and pray to the God,God will be help her/his and God’s plan is never late.Our God is the Great God,Glory Glory for our God (y) (y)

In English Language “KNOW”
In Indonesia Language “TAHU”
“KNOW” is only see by the cover,background,see with our eyes but can trap us
Example : I have a friend, the name is Wahyu, he is the good boy, but in the next time, he borrowed my money and didn’t pay back. I see Wahyu, the person who good in first time,but when Wahyu have a trouble, he selfish, and i judge Wahyu in my heart, is the bad person cannot handle his problem and make me angry in my heart

“ACKNOWLEDGE” is the good word.”ACKNOWLEDGE OR KNOW DEEPER” is see from the cover but not judge when people have changed his/her character,always ask “why you changed?” ,”can i help your problem?”  ,”are you in trouble?”

In English Language "FAIR"
In Indonesia Language "ADIL"
"FAIR" is basic from human opinion and practically in daily activity but the bad human not like this word

In English Language "JUSTICE"
In Indonesia Language "KEADILAN"
"JUSTICE" is taken from interviewing all people,make a conclusion and all people agree include bad boy,bad human like thief,killer,etc. JUSTICE is not focus to balance or not,is about how much people agree to the rule,to make all people not doing the evil things again in the next time

If I have the mistake, tell me the mistake with the good attitude.Thank you
God Bless All O:)

Biodata Saya dan Cerita Saya

Perkenalkan Nama Saya : Fadly Jonathan Vesques
Lahir di Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah,Jakarta
Tanggal 17 Juni 1994
Agama : Kristen Protestan
Nama Bapak Kandung : Pangihutan Sinaga
Nama Ibu Kandung : Fatmawaty Rosma Nurcahaya Bakkara

Playgroup : _________,Depok(Lupa Namanya)
Taman Kanak-Kanak : TK Handayani Pamulang,Ciputat,Jakarta
Sekolah Dasar : SD Santa Lusia Bojong Menteng Rawa Lumbu,Bekasi
Sekolah Menegah Pertama : SMP Santa Lusia Bojong Menteng Rawa Lumbu,Bekasi
Sekolah Menengah Atas : SMA NEGERI 9 Bekasi

Saya cerita sesuai yang saya ingat di pikiran saya dan sesuai apa yang dikatakan keluarga saya
Waktu di Pamulang saya pernah sakit,dibawa ke dokter dan dulu dokternya sebelum memeriksa saya selalu menggelitik badan saya dan badan saya jadi geli,tetapi itu tidak menggganggu dan itulah ciri khas dokternya :) .Kata mama saya dan keluarga saya saat itu saya sakit step atau demam sehingga di hari yang akan datang saat belajar di kampus atau di sekolah,saya bisa mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah dan mata kuliah di kampus tetapi dalam mengingat mata kuliah yang diajarkan di kampus dan mengingat pelajaran di sekolah membutuhkan proses,mengajarkan saya seperti anak-anak untuk bisa dipahami oleh saya

Saya umur 6 tahun di tahun 2000 mulai Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar,masa ini,saya pemalu,mau minta ijin ke toilet saja tidak berani.Saat kelas 2 SD di Sekolah Dasar yang sama pernah muntah saat baris berbaris mau masuk ke kelas.Mulai kelas 3 SD sampai kelas 4 SD saya mulai percaya diri,saya pernah les privat dengan guru SD saya bernama Pak Slamet,saya les privat bersama teman saya Kenny Arighi,sebenarnya dulu ga boleh dan les privat itu sembunyi-sembunyi,kalau tahu bisa dipecat Pak Slamet guru SD di sekolah saya

Saya lupa teman-teman SD saya, saya sebutkan yang saya ingat yaitu Kenny Arighi,Steven Sudiono,Ridwan Donovan,Daniel Henry,Stepen yang sering dipanggil tempe,Nicholas Guntar,Nicholas Yohanes,Tessalonika Tomasoa,Lya Marcelina .Adik kelas saya saat di Sekolah Dasar yang saya ingat adalah Selo,Cindy
Saya saat Sekolah Dasar(SD) dijemput om Hutabarat,mobil jemputan sekolah,berwarna hitam dan sering mogok :D tetapi sekarang ini sudah tidak mogok

Saya Lulusan Sekolah Dasar tahun 2006
Maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam postingan saya,mohon diberitahukan dimana posisi kesalahannya.Terima Kasih :)
Sesi saat Sekolah Menengah Pertama(SMP) dilanjutkan di bagian berikutnya :)

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